Protocol complex anti-imbatranire si rejuvenare prin activarea ciclica a telomerazei
It is done on segments each of 6 months followed by evaluation. The evaluation of the telomerase activity or of the length of telomeres can be done, for now, only in the United States. A simple method of evaluation is constituted by complete medical tests (all tests should reach the optimal parameters) as well as personal evaluation: how you feel, how you look in the mirror.
Specialists from TA Sciences assert that, depending on the case, the protocol must be followed up to 2 years to obtain a reversal of the physiological age of approximately 10-12 years. Revital-Ta has a substantially greater efficiency therefore the administration for 4-6 months can be tried, after which, it can be continued as needed according to the desired effects.
The continuation of the protocol over 2 years even in the simplified form can contribute to an additional rejuvenation of approximately 1 year for each 6 months of protocol.
What does the Gerontoversal anti- aging protocol do?
- It activates the telomerase enzyme in a cyclical way for the repair of the telomers of the DNA responsible to maintain the youth of the cells.
- It activates the production of stem cells for the regeneration of organs and immune cells.
- It modulates the immune system.
- It increases the production of energy at cell level (especially in the brain and heart) improving the functionality of the brain and heart.
- It eliminates the inflammation at cellular and tisular level.
- It blocks the telomerase in a cyclical manner with an antitumor effect.
Day 1-21 (3 weeks): the cycle of telomerase activation
- In the morning, immediately after waking up:
- 40-60 min before sleep:
- 10-15 min before sleep:
- Revital-Ta: 2 capsules until 50-60 years or 3-4 capsules after 50-60 years. In cases of premature ageing 4 capsules can be administered regardless of age (note: it can be administered either in the evening, or in the morning upon waking up, and in the case of administrating 4 capsules/day, 2 in the evening and 2 in the morning).
- Natural Strength Activator: 2 capsules
Day 22-28 (1 week): cycle of telomerase inhibition
The cycle will be repeated!
Optionally it can be associated on any desired period (for improving skin quality):