Named the “Super Molecule” or “The Mother of All Antioxidants” by Dr. Mark Hyman, glutathione is one of the most discussed topics in both the natural health and medical circles of today. Over 117,000 scientific articles have approached this molecule and experts now recognize that an alarming rate of people are deficient in glutathione.
The glutathione deficiency leads to:
- increased oxidative stress;
- decreased liver and cell capacity to detoxify;
- accumulation of toxins and heavy metals in the body;
- inability to repair DNA;
- pro-carcinogenic cell mutations;
- reduced amount of oxygen and nutrients in cells;
- weakening of the cell membrane and eventual cell death;
- speeding up the aging process.
These processes directly affect the state of the immune system and often become the main cause of the disease or its progression, severity and response (or rather, lack thereof) to treatments.
Glutathione plays a key role in strengthening both innate and adaptive immunity, and has profound effects on lymphocyte functions. All this adds up to an increase in our body’s capacity to fight both bacteria and viruses.
Low glutathione levels also mean that the prescribed medical treatments, instead of helping, may actually worsen the situation because synthetic drugs cause further declines in glutathione levels. For example, it has been scientifically proven that glutathione levels can predict how well and with what side effects cancer patients can tolerate chemotherapy and radiation.
Glutathione plays an important role in gallbladder health, helping the liver to detoxify fat before the bile is emitted, which reduces stress on the gallbladder.
Research has shown that almost all chronic conditions are characterized by the deficiency of glutathione: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, asthma, all cancers, cataract, macular degeneration, glaucoma, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, kidneys, lungs, heart and digestive system, fibromyalgia, influenza and cold, peripheral neuropathy, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, skin disorders, seizures, tumors, autism spectrum disorders and many more. Due to these unfavorable effects of glutathione deficiency, it has been called the “Super molecule”.
People who consider themselves healthy may also have low glutathione levels. The main reason for this is age first, because the production of glutathione in cells decreases naturally with an average rate of 10% per decade of life after the age of 20 years. Secondly, every day we are all exposed to environmental pollution, exhaust gases, viruses, nutrition that does not contain daily nutritious foods with 7-9 servings of recommended vegetables and organic fruit a day. Such a lifestyle eventually leads to a certain degree of glutathione deficiency.
Healthy people may not see immediate results after rising glutathione levels. However, they will notice the improvement in energy levels, mind clarity, sleep and improved mood and will notice fewer flu, colds or other bacterial or viral illnesses. This is because glutathione strengthens the immune system and has profound effects on lymphocyte functions, increasing both innate immunity and acquired immunity. In other words, it can act both as an antibiotic and as a vaccine. In addition, it provides protection against the appearance of pre-carcinogenic elements.
There are many glutathione supplements on the market including the “reduced” form. The problem is, however, that the systemic bioavailability of orally consumed glutathione is poor because the glutathione molecule that is a tripeptide needs a specific carrier down to the cell membrane that is either insufficient or completely absent from the system. Even administration of high doses of reduced glutathione, up to 3 grams per day, only leads to a very small amount that can reach the liver, be processed and passed on to the cells.
A more effective method of increasing the concentration of glutathione in the body is to provide glutathione amino acid precursors in the form of Cysteine, Glycine, Glutamic Acid and Glutamine. They are taken up by the liver where they are then processed into the Glutathione tripeptide. However, in cases where the liver is affected, it no longer has the ability to produce enough glutathione from these precursors. Therefore, Hepatothione supplement provides a complementary process to produce endogenous glutathione directly in the intestines by a molecular fermentation process using a rare probiotic bacteria species, Lactobacillus fermentum. It feeds on Casein and Concentrated Protein from non-pasteurized milk, producing endogenous glutathione which is then transferred to the liver and to the rest of the body via a carrier such as gelatinized chitosan. This form of glutathione is 100% compatible with any animal species including humans and becomes bio-available immediately.
Therefore, Hepatothine is the only product on the market that also provides endogenous glutathione (Endothione).