Borreliosis or Lyme disease is an infectious neurological disease, whose agent is a bacterium of the family spirochete, Borrelia burgdoferi. Borrelia burgdorferi is transmitted to humans through bites of ticks infected with Borrelia.
The infection strongly affects the immune system, can lead to auto-immune effects, affecting the muscles and / or joints (Lyme arthritis). Other effects of the disease are manifested by the damage to the nervous system.
Classical treatment consists of antibiotics (but only well-specialized). However, the results of antibiotic administration have not been proven to be sufficiently effective and still present a risk of serious side effects by negative intestinal damage. The alternative treatment consists of anti-bacterial, neuro-protective and immune stimulants. Diet is very important. Avoid the excess of animal proteins, pasta, fats, sugar products should be avoided completely.
The duration of the protocol will be determined depending on the patient response and blood tests to determine the presence of borreliosis-specific antibodies (IgM and / or IgG).
Lyme disease is an aggressive disease that must be counter-attacked with aggressive treatment.