What is Laxi-Doux™?
Laxi-Doux™ is a herbal formulation which acts as a laxative to resolve the discomfort associated with chronic constipation. This formulation is 100% natural with no artificial ingredients.
How does Laxi-Doux™ work?
Laxi-Doux™ formula is a combination of seven herbs: Senna, Cascara Sagrada, Juniper Berries, Licorice, Rhubarb, Buchu and Gentian. These plants were selected for their properties to induce peristaltic movements of the colon, restore the colon tonus, stimulate the liver, stomach and pancreas, inducing purgation. All these actions at colon happen without the irritation.
Below is a list of contributions of each plant included in this formulation:
- Senna is a very effective natural laxative.
- Cascara Sagrada is also a laxative. Encourages peristalsis by stimulating intestinal movements. Is the most efficient in solving chronic constipation.
- Juniper Berries are useful for digestive problems, gastrointestinal infections, inflammations, cramps and flatulence. Using it in high doses for a long time is not recommended for pregnant women or for people with kidney disorders.
- Licorice is a plant much used for bronchopulmonary diseases. However, she is also used to help digestion and eliminate toxins from the intestines.
- Rhubarb depending on the amount used, rhubarb can act as a laxative and as an astringent. Not recommended for long term use to avoid creating dependency. Also not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.
- Buchu is useful in urinary problems and inflammatory issues. It acts as an anti-inflammatory for irritable colon.
- Ginger is useful against stomach pain, heartburn, indigestion, gastritis accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. It is excellent in the improvement of digestion and strengthening the stomach activity and has a positive reflection on the intestine and colon.
Are there any possible, mild side effects of Laxi-Doux™?
- Symptoms may include mild abdominal discomfort, mild headache.
- Heavy and continuous use can cause dependence.
- It will be discontinued after 1 week and there will be a break of at least 1 week before taking again.
- Alternatively, may be taken every other day.
Recommended way of use: 1 tablet before bedtime. Induces bowel movement after 6 to 12 hours.
- Do not use in pregnant or breast-feeding woman!
- If you take another laxative medication consult your doctor!
- Do not use Laxi-Doux™ in less than 2 hours of taking other medicines since it can reduce their effect.
- For a total colon cleansing and detoxification it can be synergistically associated with our Colon Cleanser product.