What are Bioflavonoids?
- powerful antioxidants that reduce the risk of many diseases;
- reduce triglycerides and cholesterol;
- increase capillary permeability and reduce the concentration of blood cells in the inflamed areas;
- dilate the arteries and the smaller capillaries improving blood circulation including peripheral blood circulation;
- stimulate the production of bile , influences the endocrine glands and have antibacterial and antiparasitic properties ;
- have an action similar to that of aspirin.
Bioflavonoids are also called vitamin “P” and have properties similar to those of vitamins. They can not be synthesized by the body and so therefore they can be obtained just with supplemental nutrients.
They play an important role in maintaining healthy capillary permeability and for this reason it is one of the few remedies in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
A recent study published in Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry in America , shows that the Neringenina (a citrus bioflavonoid) carried out a DNA repair in cancer cells, thereby contributing to the inversion of the genetic and degenerative effects in the healing of cancer tumor cells prostate.
The combination with Rutin forte and with Vitamin P, creates a superior antioxidant formula. Rutin is a phenolic antioxidant that acts mainly against free radicals.
Citrus bioflavonoids with rutin product is recommended for treating: cold, asthma, infections, allergy, inflammation, viral infections, hemorrhoids, respiratory problems, hypertension, angina, poor peripheral circulation, Prostatitis.
The recommended way of use: 1-2 capsules per day during meals.