Colostrum is the first secretion of the mammary glands, as a yellowish liquid, alkaline and rich in immunoglobulins (IgA, IGB, IgE, IgG), and Protein Antibodies. With a specific production process, this liquid is concentrated and stabilized for human consumption. Our Colostrum is also rich in IGF-1 (insulin – like growth factor 1 or also known as “somatomedin C”), a growth factor with high anabolic action and 24% higher than that of insulin, a factor strictly necessary for efficient use by the body of human growth hormone, a hormone essential in fighting the aging process of the body in regulating the immune system etc.
Who needs Colostrum?
- It is recommended at least once a year as a general tonic for the immune system and to increase resistance to disease with the addition of immunoglobulin.
- Particularly suitable for adults with a weak immune system and for children who get sick often.
- Recommended for people who have a deficiency of growth hormone or have a lack of receptor for human growth hormone (HGH).
- Administered with L-Arginine and L-Lysine, stimulates the production and release of HGH in the blood (human growth hormone) and slows the aging process.
- Effective in restoring the immune system in patients suffering from cancer and who have been subjected to chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Each capsule contains:
Bioactive colostrum from cattle |
500 mg (extracted from Canadian cattle grazing in pastures selected type “A “) |
Typically contains a minimum of 150 Mg of Immunoglobulin G (IgG).
1-2 capsules 2 times a day on an empty stomach