A great contribution to health
Immune System
The coconut oil can boost the immune system: Lauric, Capric, Caprylic and Myristic acids, representing more than 70% of its fatty acid composition, protect us from bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. It is therefore recommended (in many cases even more than the Omega 3/6/9), for pregnant women, those in nursing, for children who cannot be fed with breast milk against infections and also to maintain in good condition the brain and the visual system of children.
The most well-known remedy against fungi is the Caprylic acid of which coconut oil is rich in it. Thanks to this acid, for example, women Polynesian rarely suffer from fungal infections. Research has also shown that saturated fats of this oil weaken the action of Candida Albicans, which is housed in the body and especially in the gut.
You should consume 3 tablespoons oil 3 times a day at the table.
Gastro duodenal ulcer
It is an anti-inflammatory and, from this point of view, among other benefits for the health, prevent and calm the inflammation of the digestive tract. It is useful in cases of gastric ulcers, Lauric acid is the only one who can kill Heliobacter pylori, a bacterium that, in 90 % of cases, is at the origin of this disease. You can use coconut oil in conjunction with drug therapy.
Regulation of Glycaemia
The addition of this oil in the menu helps to stabilize blood sugar so it is highly recommended for Diabetics. There are also other advantages in the consumption of this oil, the people who suffer from diabetes digest fatigue fatty foods because of Pancreas that secretes few Liver enzymes and which produces a smaller number of bile salts to the emulsion process. In this context, the coconut oil due to its composition of fatty acids, helps the Pancreas, Liver and Gall Bladder, resulting in the improvement process of digestion. Another important aid, which gives people who suffer from diabetes, is to provide energy to cells without the intervention of insulin.
The Coconut oil also has a beneficial effect to the benign prostatic hypertrophy, preventing the conversion of testosterone into DHT ( dihydrotestosterone ), a process that favors a strong growth of the prostate.
Weight loss
First the Coconut Oil contains 10% fewer calories of other fats. Then his acids produce more energy to burn calories and fat doesn’t deposit. It is so good to not only lose weight but also to have a greater vitality. Do not forget that he is also a regulator of glucose and therefore, for this reason, it is a good way to weight loss and an ideal formula to get a report Lipid – Muscular excellent .