• Formula Candida Forte
  • Formula Candida Forte
  • Formula Candida Forte

Formula Candida Forte

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The Candida Forte Formula incorporates a combination of ingredients proven to be able to attack Candida down to the biofilm level.

There is not a person who is not affected, more or less, by Candida! If its untreated, Candida can generalize to the entire body (systemic candidiasis) with adverse effects on health.

What is Candidiasis?

Candida is a fungus which belongs to the family of yeasts, normally in small numbers, in the gastrointestinal tract where it coexists with other good bacteria. The problems appear when the ratio between the good bacteria and Candida is tipping in favor of Candida (many time as a result of treatment with antibiotics), leading to the so-called “overgrowth syndrome of Candida” (Candidiasis). What harms the body is not the presence of Candida but the products which are  secreted by it, the so-called mycotoxins.

The most common manifestations are: bloating, flatulence, fatigue, headaches, depression, repeated vaginal infections, allergies, asthma. Acute Candidiasis decreases the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal area and can have a significant negative impact on the immune system.

When it multiplies too much (the main reason being the excess of antibiotics or infection through sexual contact), Candida can spread throughout the body, manifesting itself mostly in the following areas:

  1. Digestive system Symptoms: bloating, gas, cramps, diarrhea / alternative constipation, multiple food allergies.
  2. Nervous system – Symptoms: abnormal fatigue, unjustified anxiety, dizziness, depression, memory failures, insomnia, foggy mind.
  3. Skin Symptoms: eczema, psoriasis, hives, acne, infections in toenails.
  4. Mouth area – manifested as a white plaque on the tongue like milk or cracks in the corners of the mouth.
  5. Genitourinary tract – Symptoms: premenstrual pain, nervousness, bloating, cramps, headaches, sugar cravings, urinary infections / vagina infections, loss of interest in sex (women), anal itching, prostate, impotence (men).
  6. Endocrine syndrome Symptoms: hyper / hypo-thyroidism (depending on the organism), auto-immune disease.
  7. Sometimes Candida, which already entered in the bloodstream can be located in the liver or spleen with very serious effects.

Since very potent toxins are released by this parasite, they can get into any tissue / organ (systemic Candida), this syndrome has been associated with many diseases (cardiovascular, cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, asthma, arthritis, sinusitis, recurrent ear infections, alcoholism, diabetes, hypoglycemia, etc.) and therefore its difficult to identify. Usually, fungi creates a secondary infection, opportunistic, in the context of a weakened immune system. 

Diagnosis: the presence of antibodies in the blood or the presence of Candida in the analysis of the stool.

Very often inexplicably high levels of cholesterol are the result of mycotoxins released by Candida. Recent researches show that the presence of mycotoxins secreted by Candida and other funguses stimulates the body to produce more cholesterol to neutralize these toxins. Overproduction of cholesterol can lead to excessive depositions on the walls of the cardiovascular system.

Symptoms that needs to be watched:

  • Recurrent vaginal infections;
  • Constant fatigue, tiredness, dizziness, low mood;
  • White sticky saliva, deposits on the tongue, cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • Abdominal pain, abdominal gas, indigestion;
  • Joint pain or similar to those caused by arthritis;
  • Leakage from the sinuses;
  • Loss or weight gain without being able to be changed;
  • Fungus on the fingers or toes;
  • Blurred mind;
  • Recurrent urinary tract infection (antibiotic-resistant);
  • Irritated eyes, bloodshot, teary eyes;
  • Red spots on the skin (eczema, atopic dermatitis);
  • Itching and irritation in the anal area or around the sexual organs;
  • Hair loss. 

Vaginal candidiasis

Statistics show that three out of four women develop vaginal candidiasis in a moment of life. Doctors recommend rigorous hygiene and adequate diet together with an accurate medication.

What is vaginal candidiasis?

Vaginal candidiasis is caused by a microscopic fungus called Candida albicans.

On the surface of the vaginal mucosa is continously present a flora, whitout causing a genital mycosis. This flora consists of microorganisms with a protective role, but also they can be potentially dangerous microoganisms.

Microorganisms with protective role as lactobacteria, actually controls the evolution of fungi from the Candida albicans group.

Under certain conditions, the number of fungi significantly increases, in which case occurs: the vaginal candidiasis condition.

What are the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis?

Characteristic manifestation is a vaginal white secretion, which smells, its abundant, irritates the membranes of mucous and its staining the underwear. Secretions are accompanied by itching, irritation and redness of the genitals, the perineum skin sometimes cracks at light touches (with toilet paper for example).

Often a burning sensation appears during urination and even pain during sexual intercourse. There are also cases where Candida does not cause any trouble being noticed only after a gynecological checkup.

If the immune system fails, the infection spreads throughout the body and this symptoms appear: fatigue, dizziness, disorientation, lack of concentration, mood changes, headaches, depression, ear pain, cough, deafness, watery or burning sensation in the eyes, muscle aches, irritability, cravings for sweets, eczema, psoriasis, multiple allergies, fungal infections, sensitivity to food and chemical substances.

Many doctors give different diagnoses and inappropriate treatments when actually at the root of many diseases stays the candidiasis. Candidiasis is an affection  that regrettably many people (even many doctors) neglected, but in reality the consequences can be devastating by disruption of metabolism and by the destruction of immune system.

You do not know if you have excess of Candidiasis?

Answer YES or NO to the following questions:

  1. Have you ever had vaginal infection characterized by: the appearance of a whitish leakage, coarse? Or burning or itching in the vaginal area? Or frequent urinary infections?
  2. Have you ever taken antibiotics?
  3. Have you ever taken birth control pills?
  4. Have you ever used anti-asthmatic inhalants?
  5. Are you craving for sugar or sweets?
  6. Are you craving for bread, to eat bread every day?
  7. Do you feel the need for alcohol, or do you drink alcohol regularly?
  8. Do you have intestinal gases, bloating or burping?
  9. Do you often feel tired or do you get tired easily?
  10. When you wake up in the morning do you have whitish deposits on your tongue?
  11. Do you feel depressed, characterized by lack of appetite?
  12. Do you often have headaches?
  13. Do you have allergies (itchy skin, itchy throat, coughing, fever)?
  14. Do you have itchy vagina?
  15. Do you often have vaginal infections?

If you answer YES to three of the above questions, chances are that you have excess of Candida.

Provita Nutrition’s Candida Forte Formula contains a unique combination of caprylic acid, Saccharomyces Boulardii, Berberine and other synergistic nutraceuticals (Oregano extract, thymus extract, super concentrated garlic extract rich in allicin) which together very effectively combat overgrowth of Candida.


Ingredients/ vegetable capsule mg
Calcium caprylate (87% /174 mg caprylic acid) 200 mg
4:1 extract of Oregano leaves (Origanum vulgare L.) 56 mg
4:1 extract from Thyme leaves (Thymus vulgaris L.) 56 mg
Berberine HCl 28 mg
Saccharomyces Boulardii (0.33 billion CFU/5 mg)) 16.66 mg
100:1 extract from Garlic (Allium sativum L.) 5.5 mg
Microcrystalline cellulose 136,12 mg
Palmitate of ascorbyl 5,72 mg
Vegetable capsule (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose) 98 mg

Does not contain: dairy, eggs, gluten, wheat, corn, soy, nuts, artificial sweeteners, flavors or colors.

Net weight e = 54,18 g


Recommended way of use (only for adults): 3 capsules once a day (preferably on an empty stomach or according to specialist advice).

It is recommended to eat foods that do not favor candida during the administration period. People who have systemic (generalized) candidiasis may require a 2-month treatment but please ask for a specialist consultation.


  • After the treatment, to avoid rapid recurrence of candidiasis, it is necessary to maintain a clean colon and a healthy intestinal flora. We recommend following up with a bottle of Colon Cleanser and a bottle of Bio-Active Acidofilus.

Diet in candidiasis

A few simple rules you can follow during the administration of the product for 30 days:

  • Avoid sugar
  • Avoid fast food products
  • Eat fruits with low sugar content
  • Use healthy fats and oils (Olive, Avocado, Coconut)
  • Eat only fruits that are not sweet (sour). Avoid grapes of any kind
  • Reduce caffeine as much as possible
  • Consume gluten-free grains: corn, buckwheat, oats, brown rice. Warning: Rye contains gluten
  • Consume fermented foods (eg. natural sauerkraut)
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages as much as possible

Warnings and precautions:

  • Do not use it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Dietary supplements do not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certificate.


Provita Nutrition and Health Inc., Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1S2, CANADA

  • You can directly contact our doctor for a FREE consultation

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