Nigella – Black Cumin Oil

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What kind of effects and actions Nigella has?

  • Combined with Super Immune it is a potent immunomodulator in autoimmune syndrome (immune cells attack healthy cells).
  • In B or C viral hepatitis acts like an  interferon, but without side effects. It stimulates the body to produce natural interferon.
  • Asthma and Allergy respond quickly to treatment with Nigella Sativa if the infection is not present. In case of infection (pus) treat first the infection (eg with Oregano Oil) then administer Nigella Sativa.
  • It can be associated synergistically with the product Serra Plus to treat chronic sinusitis. Used for a minimum of 6 months can lead to a complete cure of allergies or asthma.
  • For chronic fatigue it can be  associated with Royal Jelly.
  • In animal studies, two thirds of the mice who were  treated to induce various cancers were still alive after 30 days.
  • It stimulates the neutrophil activity (short-lived immune cells that are found in the marrow and are mobilized against bacterial infections).
  • Helps to reduce or eliminate the pain caused by arthritis.
  • Helps to eliminate allergic reactions caused by sinusitis.


Nigella Sativa Oil (Black Cumin)

  • cold pressed
  • purified
  • standardized
500 mg


Recommended way of use: 2 capsules 2 times a day preferably on an empty stomach.


Black Cumin seeds (Nigella sativa) has been used since ancient times as a remedy against certain severe diseases used in medical traditions – from Ayurveda to Traditional Chinese Medicine or, ancient Egypt and Greek medicine.

The first texts where black cumin is mentioned (called “black seeds”) are the Book of Isaiah (Old Testament – 28: 25-27), and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (black seeds presented as “cure for any disease, except for death”).

Now, medical science confirms the exceptional medicinal properties of seeds of Nigella.

Thus, several studies have demonstrated the contribution of black cumin oil in cancer treatment. And another recent study showed that black cumin oil had major effects in the treatment of pancreatic cancer – one of the most aggressive forms of deadly cancer and the most difficult to treat.

Black cumin has been the subject of hundreds of studies after which it became relevant that these seeds contain compounds that enhance the production of:

  • bone marrow
  • natural interferon
  • immune cells.

“Sloane Kettering” Hospital in the United States recently published details of encouraging results with the use of black cumin oil in current research on cancer disease.

A variety of studies indicate great effectiveness of Nigella oil in liver diseases and allergies for which it has been integrated in naturopathic protocols for hepatitis, allergies, asthma.

A very limited number of medicinal plants show such demonstrated efficacy against a broad spectrum of diseases and medical conditions like black cumin.

What is black cumin?

Black cumin is a member of the botanical family Ranunculus. Whole seeds are dark, thin, and crescent-shaped. They contain over 100 chemical compounds of which some are still unidentified.

The main active component of black cumin seeds is crystalline nigellone. Other important active ingredients are:

  • Timochinone
  • Beta sitosterol
  • Myristic acid
  • Palmitic acid
  • Palmitoleic acid
  • Stearic acid
  • Oleic acid
  • Linoleic acid
  • Arachidonic acid
  • Proteins
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Folic acid
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorus

Black cumin drives / strengthens the immune system, promoting ahealth condition

As a well-known herb Echinacea, Black cumin greatly enhance the immune system. But unlike Echinacea, black cumin ensure there is no autoimmune imbalances, and therefore can be used in cases of autoimmune diseases.
Black cumin is proving an effective remedy against allergies, multiple sclerosis, cancer, tuberculosis, and AIDS.
Black cumin is also effective in liver disorders, digestive disorders, bronchial asthma.

The history of Black cumin

Black cumin oil was found in the burial chamber of King Egyptian Tutankhamen, and was used by Queen Cleopatra bringing valuable benefits for health and beauty.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, considered Black cumin a valuable remedy for digestive disorders.

Ibn Sina, author of the famous “Canon of Medicine”, reveals that black cumin stimulates metabolism and helps heal depression and lethargy.

Ayurveda Medicine recommends black cumin for a wide range of conditions, including:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • hepatitis;
  • fever;
  • diarrhea;
  • cough;
  • intestinal worms.

Modern Scientific Research of Black Cumin

Since 1959, black cumin has been examined in over 200 different studies at various universities and laboratories.

The research conducted at the Cancer Research Laboratory of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, showed that black cumin oil acted on cancerous tumors without causing side effects characteristic of chemotherapy.

Research on Hilton Head have shown that black cumin:

  • Increases the pace of development of bone marrow cells in a stunning proportion of 250%.
  • Inhibits tumor progression by 50%.
  • Stimulates immune cells and increases the production of interferon (which protects cells against the destructive effect of the virus).
  • Manifests intense antibacterial activity.
  • Leads to a reduction in blood sugar (critical issue in the treatment of complicated cases of diabetes).

In animal studies, two thirds of the rats receiving Black Cumin oil survived more than 30 days after efforts to induce cancer, while none of the control group animals survived.

Black cumin is proving highly effective in aggressive forms of cancer whose evolution depends on angiogenesis (the formation new blood vessels in the tumor).

Spectacular results in treating cases of asthma and allergies, and many other conditions

Research conducted in Germany showed that 70% of patients with allergic manifestations – including allergies to pollen and dust – can be treated with black cumin oil. The treatment for a longer period (six months or more) often leads to remarkable, long lasting results.

Other uses of oil of Nigella:

  • Acne
  • Colds and flu
  • Feeling lethargic
  • Nervous tension
  • Fatigue in leg muscles
  • Headache
  • Back pain, arthritis, bruises and rheumatism
  • Hypertension
  • Stomach problems
  • Diarrhea
  • Hair loss
  • Ear pain
  • Intestinal Parasites
  • Abdominal cramps (in babies)
  • Sinusitis
  • Fungal skin infections

Exceptional benefits for health and beauty by internal or external use

Experts often recommend a tsp of Black Cumin Oil, taken separately or as a hot tea, one hour before meals, once or twice daily.

Most people prefer black cumin seed oil in capsule form.

Whether taken with tea or in capsules, this oil helps the body in maintaining health and body beauty: strengthens hair an makes it look shiny; same effect in nails (by prolonged treatment). In external use, black cumin seed oil may improve psoriasis, eczema and skin acne.

Black Cumin oil is sometimes used in the preparation of creams for the face, and can even be added to your favorite face cream. Some people use black cumin seed oil (adapted in pharmaceutical preparations labs) for burns and skin infections. It can also be used to moisturize the skin, reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging and against joint pains.

Black cumin is sometimes sold in stores or online as Black cumin seed oil, black onion seeds, black sesame, etc., but only one mentioned as being obtained 100% from Nigella sativa species is the true Black Cumin.

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