Stem Cell Regeneration Theory
The theory states that stem cells (adult not embryonic) are naturally produced in the bone marrow and are released naturally into the blood (and lymphatic) circuit through which they travel to cells that need “help.” When an organ or tissue is in a critical situation or problem it releases into the blood stream and lymphatic system certain chemical compounds that trigger the release of stem cells from bone marrow. It also releases another chemical compound (marker) that attracts stem cells to the affected organ. Stem cells released from the bone markers follow the gradient of the bloodstream and/or lymphatic system, that “guides” them to the affected organ. There, stem cells proliferate and differentiate into new cells of that organ (we will explain below what differentiation means).
Recent scientific research confirms, the validity of this theory concluding that adult stem cells are produced in the bone marrow after traveling throughout the body acting for the repair and optimization of organ and tissue functions. As we age or as a result of acute or degenerative diseases, the number of stem cells circulating in the body decreases, leaving the body susceptible to accelerated aging, degeneration of organs, more frequent and profound diseases with an inability to heal. The ingredients in Stemulin can stimulate both the production of stem cells in bone marrow and the release of such cells to circulate throughout the body. Stem cells then migrate and can attach to every cell, tissue, bone, muscle, cartilage that need repair. Once attached, each stem cell can multiply by cellular division 3000-5000 times.
Most cells in the body are specialized to perform the function of each organ to which they belong. But stem cells are different. When divided, they can produce either more stem cells or “progenitors”, i.e. cells that differentiate and transform when they reach maturity into specialized cells. From here comes the name of “stem” cells because of them appear the “buds” of specialized cells. In English “stem” means “bud”. This ability to differentiate into specialized cells to replace non-functional cells due to illness, degeneration, mutation, injury or aging make the stem cells the most valuable mechanism available to regenerative medicine.
Inspired by Canadian scientist Cristian Drapeau’s discoveries, confirm among others by a stage 1 research study carried out at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, Canada, Stemulin is a product that helps increase the production of adult stem cells in bone marrow, stimulating their release and directing them to the affected areas of the body. The formulation from Stemulin, made in collaboration with Canadian Laboratories, resulted in a product that complements the Provita range with unique original products. Used alone or in synergistic combinations (eg. Natural Strength Activator), Stemulin has the potential to revolutionize the way in which alternative medicine is applied. If we can convince our body to naturally produce more adult stem cells, or to stimulate their division, then our body will be able to repair tissues whose functioning is affected by disease, accidents, degeneration, genetic mutations or aging. The problem of achieving an effective product involves 4 fundamental steps that must all be addressed simultaneously for a Stem Cell Activity to be useful to the end:
- Increase the production of adult stem cells in the bone marrow (new cells) or tissues (cells resulting from cell division)
- Increasing stem cell production is not sufficient if there is no mechanism for their release into the blood and lymphatic circuit.
- Furthermore, another mechanism is required by which the body mainly directs these stem cells to the places where it is needed.
- Once they reach the sick organ, stem cells must be “transformed” into cells specific to that organ. To achieve this requires fostering the generation of new cells through the genetic mechanism involving the two fundamental molecules DNA and RNA. DNA is found in every cell of a living being, which is essential for the identity and function of internal organs. RNA is a molecule that has the function to “transcribe” the DNA (RNA transcription into DNA) so that the stem cell becomes a cell specific to a particular organ.
The precise orthomolecular combination of the ingredients in Stemulin addresses all the 4 necessary steps described above.